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Part 2: 3 Steps to Begin Anti-aging Skincare Regime from your 20s

Jan 24,2023 | Mimi

Passage of time can be cruel to our skin. So, it’s very important that you take good care of your skin starting from your 20s. If you're feeling a little older than your years, there are steps you can take to slow down the aging process.

Keep that youthful glow. There's no magic wand for keeping your skin looking young, but some things will help! Read further to know about them.


#1. Use Sunscreen Every Day


It's important to protect your skin from the sun, especially if you don't want premature signs of aging on your skin. Apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher every morning before you leave the house, even if it's not a sunny day.

If it's rainy or cloudy outside, wear a hat and tuck your hair under it so only your face is exposed to the elements.

Use an oil-free moisturizer with SPF 15 or higher during the day (SPF 15 blocks 93% of UVB rays). Make sure that it's labeled "broad spectrum" since this means that it’ll protect against both UVA and UVB rays.

It should also be water resistant for up to 80 minutes. This means that if you go swimming or sweat a lot, then reapply more often than once every two hours (especially after showering).

The iconic product of HAUS, Magic Pinky Micro Powder is a dual-finishing compact powder with a 'pore and shine control' ability, improved with SPF20 sunscreen and superfine micro powder.



It's a micro powder that is truly lightweight, and natural to ensure a radiant finish, and it’s formulated quite differently from other liquid concealers. It’s made for oily skin and all skin types.


#2. Ask friends or family members for information.

Ask friends and family who have had similar issues as your own for advice on how they dealt with their skincare problems. It’s important as chances are pretty good that there are other people out there who've gone through something similar as yourself, so reach out!

A variety of opinions can help give insight into what will work best for your needs and lifestyle. Casually knowing that other people have experienced similar difficulties might give some peace of mind during tough times down the road when things look bleakest.


#3. Start Supplements

The best way to start your anti-ageing skincare regime is by taking a good quality multivitamin supplement

It’s important to eat a healthy diet, but there are many nutrients that our bodies can’t produce on their own. Thus, we have to get them from food or supplements.

A multivitamin supplement contains all the essential vitamins and minerals required by our body. Therefore, they help to ensure that all of our body systems function properly.



Taking one daily will ensure that your skin receives the nutrition it needs at an early age to keep it healthy and glowing.


Wrapping up

Optimal anti-ageing skincare often has a cumulative effect over time. So, while it can be a bit of an investment to begin now, it’ll pay off in the long run.

It's also important to consider which factors that can damage your skin, and how you can help protect against them.

Find out more about Super Moisturizing Sunscreen from HAUS Cosmetics today for your ultimate anti-ageing skincare solutions.

