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Part 1: How to Begin your Anti-aging Skincare Regime from your 20s?

Jan 20,2023 | Mimi

Passage of time can be cruel to our skin. So, it’s very important that you take good care of your skin starting from your 20s. If you're feeling a little older than your years, there are steps you can take to slow down the aging process.

Keep that youthful glow. There's no magic wand for keeping your skin looking young, but some things will help! Read further to know about them.


#1. Know your skin type.

The first step to looking and staying young is knowing your skin type. If your skin is dry, use a lightweight moisturizer to hydrate without leaving an oily feeling.

This can also be helpful for those with sensitive skin who are prone to redness or irritation from heavier formulas.

If you're oily, opt for mattifying products that won't clog pores or cause breakouts by creating an oil slick on top of the skin's surface.

Normal-to-combination types may benefit from light lotions that don't dry out individual areas while balancing others. This is just one reason why hyaluronic acid (HA) has become so popular in recent years.


#2. Using the correct skincare products for your face.

Although the skin on your face is technically the same as that on your body, it's much more delicate. Therefore, your face needs different products to keep it healthy.

A lot of people think they can just use any typical moisturizer or cleanser, but this isn't true! Your face deserves better than that. When choosing skincare products for your face, there are a few things you should keep in mind:


  • Your skin type is different to the rest of your body (For example, if you have oily skin on your torso and dry skin on your face).
  • Your age changes how much moisture is needed in each area. (For example, as we get older, our faces will start getting drier).
  • The time of day affects how often a product should be used (For example, if you're going out at night, then using something heavier than usual could cause irritation).


#3. Keep a moisturizing skin routine.

Moisturizing is the most important step in maintaining a youthful complexion. It helps maintain the skin's natural moisture levels, which slows down the aging process and improves elasticity. 

The key is to moisturize regularly: at least twice a day, once in the morning after you shower, and again before bed. If your skin feels tight or dry after washing it (or especially if it feels tight after cleansing), that means it's time to add some hydration back into your routine!

Try using an eye cream as well as a regular moisturizer on your face. You'll get better results if you use both around the eye area. It’s because this area tends to be drier than other parts of your face.


#4. Choose skincare products that prevent wrinkles and fine lines.

It's important to choose a moisturizer that prevents wrinkles and fine lines. The best moisturizers contain retinol. It’s an anti-ageing ingredient that increases collagen production, making your skin look firmer and smoother.


Use a moisturizer with SPF, even if it's rainy reason or you're not going outside often. It’s because sun damage can add years to your face.

This can also be helpful if you're concerned about acne, as some acne medications make the skin more sensitive to the sun (and therefore more likely to get burned).

Choose an oil-free or non-greasy formula. These won’t clog pores as much as other types do!


#Wrapping Up.

Optimal anti-ageing skincare often has a cumulative effect over time. So, while it can be a bit of an investment to begin now, it’ll pay off in the long run.

It's also important to consider which factors that can damage your skin, and how you can help protect against them.


Find out more about Magic Pinky’s micro powder from HAUS Cosmetics today for your ultimate anti-ageing skincare solutions.

