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PART 1: 8 Reasons Why Improving Inside the Skin is Better than Outer Skincare

Feb 24,2023 | Mimi


Inside the skin or outer skincare, which one needs improvement? The skin is an organ, and like any other organ in the body, it needs to be taken care of.

Before that, be cautious about the wrong skincare because they would lead to anxiety and depression without you noticing! Read here.

There's so much more we can do to improve our appearance. For a start, eating better foods, sleeping more and exercising regularly are key to having healthy skin from the outside in.

However, those aren’t the end of the list. Read further as here are eight reasons why improving inside the skin is better than outer skin care.


#1. Stay hydrated for fresh and plump-looking skin.



Hydration is key to healthy skin, so drink lots of water. If you're not sure how much you should be drinking, consider the following:

  • A balanced diet will have enough fluid for your body to function properly, but it's important to remember that water isn't only found in food. It's also an ingredient in most beverages and foods that contain natural juices or sauces (like soups).
  • The Institute of Medicine recommends men consume about 13 cups (3 liters) per day and women 9 cups (2.2 liters). However, this amount varies based on age, gender and activity level. Hence, if you find yourself feeling dehydrated more often than not even after drinking plenty of fluids throughout the day, talk with a doctor or nutritionist before making any changes to your routine.

#2. Avoid skincare products with potential irritants



If you're looking for a way to improve the health of your skin, it's important to know what ingredients can do harm. Avoid sodium laurel sulfate and other potential irritants in skincare products by opting for natural ingredients whenever possible.

Natural ingredients are better for your skin because they're gentler on sensitive areas like the eyes and lips. Furthermore, they don't contain any harsh chemicals or preservatives that could irritate delicate tissues over time.

Natural ingredients also tend to be easier on the environment. It’s because they don't require harsh manufacturing processes or extensive packaging materials, such as plastic bottles or tubes that end up in landfills after just one use!


#3. Your skin care will be more customized



When you have a deeper understanding of your skin, you can customize your skincare routine to suit it. Maybe you have oily skin but don't like to feel greasy, or perhaps your complexion is dry but prone to breakouts.

Maybe there are some ingredients in certain products that bother you or make them ineffective for your needs. The point is that knowing what kind of person you are will help inform the choices that lead to better results when it comes time for self-care.

For example, if you know your forehead is oily and prone to breakouts while your cheeks are dryer than average (and thus more sensitive), then you know how much moisture is needed where on your face at any given time.

Thus, it boils down to whether something like an oil cleanser would be suitable as part of your daily routine.


In Summary

We shall continue in next part for another 5 reasons of why taking care of your beauty from inside is just as important as beauty from outside. HAUS offers a wide range of skin solutions for targeted skin problems such as acne skin, pigmentations, dry and sensitive skin. You may find the suitable skin solution here.

