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Please give us a minute, love!

Aug 12,2022 | Dean

Dear Hausies,

This website is currently in the midst of maintenance, and some features may not be available. Some features that will not be available include, but not limited to:

1. Duit Extraaa points

2. Coupon codes

We thank you for your patience as we do a pilot test on the system. Thank you, Hausies!

Hai Hausies,

Laman web in sedang menjalani proses penambahbaikan, dan sesetengah ciri-ciri tidak dapat berfungsi dengan baik termasuk, tetapi tidak terhad kepada:

1. Poin Duit Extraaa

2. Kod kupon

Kami berterima kasih atas kesabaran anda sementara kami sedang menjalankan usaha penambahbaikan terhadap sistem ini. Terima kasih, Hausies!

